I'm working on an iOS app

I’m working on an iOS app and I’m getting so close to releasing the 1.0. I was looking at App Store Connect and noticed that I needed screenshots and I remembered that Fastlane has the ability to automate screenshot creation. Pretty cool I think. So I go through the process of setting up and …

Pushing my daughter in her car around the neighborhood.

Picture from my garage this morning. The sky was particularly pretty.

Vulture against the blue sky.

Taken at 12 pm CT in Eastern Missouri, USA. I took this while taking my daily walk around our neighborhood with my daughter. The sky is very clear and it was quite windy so this vulture was just gliding around.

What called are you named?

It seems in the UK (and perhaps other UK influenced places) they say “a person called Nick”, but in the US we say “a person named Nick”. I wonder why that is. Do you know?