A word that doesn't exist and yet it does.

I’ll make it easy on you, this is the word: smalm I was playing Wordle with my brother and dad the other day and my dad sent me a word he tried, but he was confused because autocomplete kept correcting it. He had never heard of it. Neither had I. I looked in the dictionary for the word and I …

HTMLInputElement type number fun fact

I am a web developer by day and was working on a feature that was supposed to create an input field that could only accept numbers. Super easy right?! <input type="number" /> I’m demoing said feature to the client (after having tested this) and I’m bashing on the home row …

I was listening to the FunFact (@funfactfm) podcast recently and they mentioned this website. I finally got around to looking at it and it’s so cool! Here is the site by Neal Agarwal (@nealagarwal) about the deep sea. He also has a bunch of other cool sites at his website. Enjoy!

How to show/hide desktop icons on macOS

I often want to do this while doing a demo or filming my screen so I’m writing this down so I remember. I found this on osxdaily.com and have amended it slightly. Maybe this is a mac app I could make… To hide: defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop -bool false && killall …

Don't delete your analytics if you want to see analytics.

I’m so curious about who views my site (as some may have noticed from previous posts) I was confused why my views dropped to zero this week. Was it because I hadn’t posted? No, it was because I accidentally deleted the script that captures views and sends them to GoatCounter. 🤦🏽‍♂️