Universal Control on macOS and iPadOS

I’ve been using Universal Control since yesterday afternoon and I really love it. It’s seamless and I especially appreciate being able to isolate certain things to the iPad. This is particularly useful because I often pair program at work and it makes it so that I can talk to my wife or …

Really cool stop motion video of a milk crate being made

I caught this on the Tom Scott newsletter, but for anyone who hasn’t seen this it’s very interesting. As noted in the video, no CG was used. Just a bunch of photos. And even more time. Video by omozoc on YouTube

The New Year is cool and all...

But someone is blowing some sort of kazoo type thing outside and boy is it loud. 🥳👀

Wow, Alexa. Suggesting electrocution as a challege for a child. onefoottsunami.com

My dad tried vegan meat and he liked it.

Spent the weekend down at my dad’s house. It was really nice to be out there and have them visit my daughter. It was also nice to bring down some vegan meats and have them try them. I was worried that they’d be like your typical person and shudder at the idea of it, but they tried the burgers and …