Link to PetaPixel - Comparing Webb's First Photos to what Hubble Saw
Following up on my post of the Carina Nebula from earlier, here’s a link from PetaPixel showing the differences between Hubble and JWST.
Following up on my post of the Carina Nebula from earlier, here’s a link from PetaPixel showing the differences between Hubble and JWST.
I added analytics ( to my website so I can see people are seeing it but who are you!? And how are you finding these posts? Is this just my wife? 🤣 P.S. I have comments now so write some, yo.
Enchiladas verdes con arroz y frijoles.
My dog, named Wednesday, sitting up in a car seat while resting her head against the back.
First images from James Webb Space Telescope Link to full res