Tried the new Beyond Meat chicken nuggets from KFC because why not. Great breading, but unfortunately they were dense as hell. Another local restaurant, Sybergs, serves the beyond meat chicken tenders and while the breading isn’t as good, they are moist and juicy. It was worth the try and I’d eat if …
Ticket to Ride Local multiplayer with DLC maps
** tl;dr you choose the map on your phone, not on the game console. **
I purchased Ticket to Ride on my PlayStation 4 recently after playing the board game. I wanted to play the expansions as well and particularly in local mode so I could play with my wife. When we first purchased the DLC for the …
Small accomplishment, but I’m happy with it. ¡Pero hay más que aprender!
Can’t wait to set this up! Really looking forward to having more photos on my photo page.