Why does Xcode 13 not include an Info.plist for SwiftUI projects?
I keep forgetting about this so maybe this will keep it in my mind.
Xcode 13 Missing Info.plist
Most important bit, go to project settings and click on info tab The why Projects created from several templates no longer require configuration files such as entitlements and Info.plist files. Configure …
Being a parent
Now that my daughter is six months old I feel like I have a better grasp on what being a parent is like.
It’s so interesting how many different opinions there are. As my friend Bill once said, “Nick, you like to live your life on hard mode” and this is no different. Raising a baby without resorting …
Vegan New York-style meat lovers pizza from Pizza Head in St. Louis, Missouri. This one is made with cashew cheese and it’s amazing. I only wish it was closer. 🍕
My in-laws got a board game called Ticket to Ride for Christmas and it’s really fun and pretty straight forward to play. They also have a digital version so my wife and I have been playing on my PS4. Would highly recommend! 🚂
The New Year is cool and all...
But someone is blowing some sort of kazoo type thing outside and boy is it loud. 🥳👀